
Mostrando entradas de noviembre, 2018

A sport I do to keep fit

A sport I do to keep fit is Football and all of its ramifications, especially Futsal. That one is the most that I like. I practice football since I have memory, but I think that I started when I was seven years old. Since then, I have not left it away and I have practiced it once a week at least.  When I started playing, I used to practice it every day at break school and at home (I didn't like TV too much so I used to play a lot at home) then my parents thought that sign me up on a female football academy would be a good idea so I could learn more, and it was! I grew a lot on that academy it was a good experience, it was one of the first woman schools of football, so I was privileged. By that time, I used to like the Universidad de Chile team so when I discovered that they had a woman school of football I wanted to enter with all my soul. So I did, it was nearer to my house than the other school so for my parents it was all right. I was there for two years. After that

A job i´d like to do

I'm not really sure if this would be a job but, I’d enjoy to be paid for traveling. I love to know knew places, getting out, know cultures, cities, countries, towns… everywhere is interesting for me. I think humans work not just to cover the cost of life. If you are lucky enough, you will always look forward to travel. I think that's crazy to stay in one place all your life, the planet is full of interesting things and we just know a thousandth part of it. I think that’s pretty sad :c Well I don't think you have to have a special knowledge to want to travel around the world unless you do it for a propose. If I had to have a propose to do this job, it would be to know the traditional dish of every part I visit or maybe know the most controversial history incident of the place I don't know haha For those things I would have to have skills like a developed taste bud or anthropology or sociology skills... That would be great :) Well someone that coul