A building that I like

It is really difficult for me to choose just one building that I like here in Chile because I like some old ones and some new ones. In this occasion, I took the one that combines the past and the contemporary: Matucana 100.

I really like this building not just because of its old/modern architecture but also for what it means to me, and its program.

This building is dedicated to provide culture. It has one theatre room, and two (or three, I am not sure) galleries.

The theatre room is technological, great artificial illumination, good acoustics: no sounds enter from outside and those from the inside don't bounce at all. In addition, the sight is perfect wherever you are.
You can watch different shows there.

The principal gallery is the part of the building that is less intervened by the remodelling that was made years ago. In addition, is the first thing you see when you enter to Matucana 100. From the inside, it's a big liberated place that can change depending on the art exhibition, with just one little room where some documentary are exposed.

The other gallery is underground. It is special to me because it necessarily has to be illuminated by artificial lights cause natural light doesn't cover that side of the building. Therefore, the artist can really emphasise one part of her/his work.  

I think is great what this building offers to us. We have to take advantage of it especially because it has lots of free stuff and discount for students. Gotta visit it guys<3


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