Why I like swimming

I have always love sports. Since I have memory, I recognize my self playing around, running, kicking and throwing balls, jumping, etc. However, one of the things that made me happier was to swim.

At first, when I recently knew the water, I felt respectfully. Always careful too. Nevertheless, when I learnt how to swim, I felt lot of confidence with the water.

I enjoy swimming cause I feel like I am flying. I feel free, more than when I run. Swimming is so personal, you have to know your body to learn how much can you hold up your breath.

There are many places where you can swim. There are lakes, Beaches, Pools, etc. 

Is difficult for me to choose between beach or lake. Because those two are incomparable. The two of them are unique. 

For one side we have the Beach that has its restrictions. You can´t swim too much, is difficult. You can’t open your eyes (I do it anyways although it hurts haha) and most of times, you should keep your mouth closed too. BUT! All of that doesn´t matter because there is something that has the sea that no other water place has: The waves. Playing with the waves is the best; you feel one with the water. You have to follow the rhythm of the sea, otherwise you could drown also you can do somersaults. That is the best. 

In the other hand, you have lakes. There you can do everything you cannot do at the sea haha. You can swim as far as you want, open your eyes underwater and dive. The difference is that the water in lakes is heavier but it’s okay.

The last thing I'd like to say is that we have to be really respectful with the water. Is the biggest component of the earth and if we don't take care of it, we can finish with the life on the planet, included us.    


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