
The last blog

Hi bloggers, today is my last post ☹ I’m really sad about it, I’m going to miss you guys, that’s why I’m going to talk about the things that I more liked. My favorite post theme was my not fondas, because I talked about a trip that I love so much. I really love that post because it reminds me very good moments with the people that I love. My least favorite theme was when I talked about a job I would like to do in the future. I didn’t like it because was difficult for me to look forward and make any plans. I don’t want to see myself in other work that is not related with architecture.   The blog that I most enjoyed reading was the Machuca’s because I always laugh with his posts. Before I started to write this blog, I used to have lots of vocabulary and writing mistakes, but I learnt how to express myself and I know more words. Besides, now I can keep a fluent conversation with my partners abroad. I think that blogs are a very useful tool to express all the ideas that we hav

Why I like swimming

I have always love sports. Since I have memory, I recognize my self playing around, running, kicking and throwing balls, jumping, etc. However, one of the things that made me happier was to swim. At first, when I recently knew the water, I felt respectfully. Always careful too. Nevertheless, when I learnt how to swim, I felt lot of confidence with the water. I enjoy swimming cause I feel like I am flying. I feel free, more than when I run. Swimming is so personal, you have to know your body to learn how much can you hold up your breath. There are many places where you can swim. There are lakes, Beaches, Pools, etc.  Is difficult for me to choose between beach or lake. Because those two are incomparable. The two of them are unique.  For one side we have the Beach that has its restrictions. You can´t swim too much, is difficult. You can’t open your eyes (I do it anyways although it hurts haha) and most of times, you should keep your mouth closed too. BUT! All of that

A sport I do to keep fit

A sport I do to keep fit is Football and all of its ramifications, especially Futsal. That one is the most that I like. I practice football since I have memory, but I think that I started when I was seven years old. Since then, I have not left it away and I have practiced it once a week at least.  When I started playing, I used to practice it every day at break school and at home (I didn't like TV too much so I used to play a lot at home) then my parents thought that sign me up on a female football academy would be a good idea so I could learn more, and it was! I grew a lot on that academy it was a good experience, it was one of the first woman schools of football, so I was privileged. By that time, I used to like the Universidad de Chile team so when I discovered that they had a woman school of football I wanted to enter with all my soul. So I did, it was nearer to my house than the other school so for my parents it was all right. I was there for two years. After that

A job i´d like to do

I'm not really sure if this would be a job but, I’d enjoy to be paid for traveling. I love to know knew places, getting out, know cultures, cities, countries, towns… everywhere is interesting for me. I think humans work not just to cover the cost of life. If you are lucky enough, you will always look forward to travel. I think that's crazy to stay in one place all your life, the planet is full of interesting things and we just know a thousandth part of it. I think that’s pretty sad :c Well I don't think you have to have a special knowledge to want to travel around the world unless you do it for a propose. If I had to have a propose to do this job, it would be to know the traditional dish of every part I visit or maybe know the most controversial history incident of the place I don't know haha For those things I would have to have skills like a developed taste bud or anthropology or sociology skills... That would be great :) Well someone that coul

Pascuala Ilabaca

Today I'm going to write about one of the artists I most like. I had to choose one but I don't really have any favourite artist. I'm not sure why but I have allways really enjoyed every kind of art, so it was difficult to think of one type too. Anyways, this time I choosed Pascuala Ilabaca. A Chilean folk musician. I admire her for all the work she has done. She is like the contemporary Violeta Parra. She does history art research to compose music, she has traveled Chile north to south searching for interesting cultural things to add to her work. She has composed in mapudungun and indian languages. She like to mix cultures in her songs. Not just Chilean or just Mexican or Argentinian or Indian. She takes all of those, mix them and do something new with a particular aesthetic💓 She has a band that accompany her. They play saxophone, bugle (the best combination of sound), drums, guitars and bass Pacuala plays the piano or the accordion. She studied music here in Chile

A building that I like

It is really difficult for me to choose just one building that I like here in Chile because I like some old ones and some new ones. In this occasion, I took the one that combines the past and the contemporary: Matucana 100. I really like this building not just because of its old/modern architecture but also for what it means to me, and its program. This building is dedicated to provide culture. It has one theatre room, and two (or three, I am not sure) galleries. The theatre room is technological, great artificial illumination, good acoustics: no sounds enter from outside and those from the inside don't bounce at all. In addition, the sight is perfect wherever you are. You can watch different shows there. The principal gallery is the part of the building that is less intervened by the remodelling that was made years ago. In addition, is the first thing you see when you enter to Matucana 100. From the inside, it's a big liberated place that can change dependin

Something I'm just knowing and I'd like to learn more

Well since this year began, a curiosity idea entered to my mind. I started to get interested in Japanese culture.  Everything started with a special attention to the drawings; I saw too many aesthetic on the anime! The sensitivity on those sketches, the feelings that could be shown in just one animated caricature. I could not take it; it was too much for me. I needed to know how that could be possible. I started to search, to ask friends, to learn about anime and to watch more and more. However, suddenly, something came out. The thing wasn't just the caricature, there was something else. There was a history, an entire culture that supported those feelings. That supplied the basis of anime.  After that, I started to watch movies and read articles about the Japanese culture but it wasn´t enough, I wanted more.  One day, while I was talking to a friend of mine, she told me she had a book. A book interesting that talked about the Japanese aesthetic and culture oriente